Install tldr on Mac OS X

Apr 25, 2016 Mac 中文版

tldr is a community-driven tool, which can be considered as a simpler version of man pages. It simplifies the man pages and provides basic examples. In addition to that, it supports multiple platforms, like Unix-like systems, Android, iOS and Windows. This post is about how to install and use tldr on Mac OS X.

Install tldr

We are going to install tldr by using Homebrew. To install tldr:

brew tap tldr-pages/tldr
brew install tldr

Use tldr

The useage of tldr is just like how you use man:

# Get current version
tldr -v

# Update tldr
tldr --update

# Get command info: tldr <command-name>
tldr docker

Information about the command:


Manage Docker containers and images.

- List of running docker containers:
    docker ps

- List all docker containers (running and stopped):
    docker ps -a

- Start a container:
    docker start container

- Stop a container:
    docker stop container

- Start a container from an image and get a shell inside of it:
    docker run -it image bash

- Run a command inside of an already running container:
    docker exec container command

You can see it shows clear messages with basic examples. However, if you are familiar with Docker, you can realize that tldr is easy-to-use but not perfect enough to replace man pages.

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