Install and Use FIGlet on Mac OS X

Jan 2, 2016 Mac 中文版

FIGlet is a creative and interesting program, which can generate fancy text banners for you. This article is going to show you how to install and use FIGlet on Mac OS X. Absolutely, it also works well on other UNIX-like machines.

Install FIGlet

Basically, you can use package managers to install it on UNIX-like machines. On Mac OS X, we can use Homebrew. To install:

# Search FIGlet
brew search figlet

# Get FIGlet information
brew info figlet

# Install FIGlet
brew install figlet

Use FIGlet

FIGlet is easy to use. Here are some useful commands:

# Create text banner ( e.g., Devforgalaxy )
figlet Devforgalaxy

 ____              __                       _
|  _ \  _____   __/ _| ___  _ __ __ _  __ _| | __ ___  ___   _
| | | |/ _ \ \ / / |_ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` | |/ _` \ \/ / | | |
| |_| |  __/\ V /|  _| (_) | | | (_| | (_| | | (_| |>  <| |_| |
|____/ \___| \_/ |_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\__,_|_|\__,_/_/\_\\__, |
                                |___/                    |___/

# Create text banner and make it center-aligned
figlet -c Devforgalaxy

# Create text banner and enable kerning
figlet -k Devforgalaxy

# Create text banner and specify a font type ( e.g., slant )
figlet -f slant Devforgalaxy

    ____            ____                       __
   / __ \___ _   __/ __/___  _________ _____ _/ /___ __  ____  __
  / / / / _ \ | / / /_/ __ \/ ___/ __ `/ __ `/ / __ `/ |/_/ / / /
 / /_/ /  __/ |/ / __/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ />  </ /_/ /
/_____/\___/|___/_/  \____/_/   \__, /\__,_/_/\__,_/_/|_|\__, /
                               /____/                   /____/

# Create text banner and specify a font type ( e.g., shadow )
figlet -f shadow Devforgalaxy

 __ \               _|                       |
 |   |  _ \\ \   / |    _ \   __| _` |  _` | |  _` |\ \  / |   |
 |   |  __/ \ \ /  __| (   | |   (   | (   | | (   | `  <  |   |
____/ \___|  \_/  _|  \___/ _|  \__, |\__,_|_|\__,_| _/\_\\__, |
                                |___/                     ____/

If you want to know more about font types, you should visit here. FIGlet fonts can be identified by the suffix *.flf, and they are stored in /usr/local/Cellar/figlet/2.x.x/share/figlet/fonts.

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