Use multiple Dropbox accounts on Mac

Dec 16, 2015 Mac 中文版

Dropbox allows you to use multiple accounts on one machine at the same time only if you have upgraded your account. But there is a way found from the internet can help us to reach the goal without upgrading your account.

How does Dropbox synchronize files

Before we start to do it, it’s better to know how it synchronizes files. Once you run the Dropbox’s application, it will automatically search a folder named Dropbox and start to synchronize files, and that’s why it asks us to assign a directory to create the folder at the very first time. If you change the name of the folder, it won’t find the Dropbox folder, and then you have to assign the directory again.

Use Automator to run Dropbox

Mac OS X provides a useful tool named Automator, and we can use it to create a service or an application. Now, we are going to create an application to launch Dropbox. Open Automator and choose Application. Like this:
In the left menu, click Utilities > Run Shell Script. Then drag this item to the workflow block. Like this: Paste the script into it:

HOME=$HOME/YourPath /Applications/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Change YourPath to the directory you like. If the path is same as the path of your first Dropbox folder, the second one will override the first one. So, avoid that. Your script should be: Finally, save the file. Now, you can go the Application folder and find the application you created ( ). Click this application, and you can find out Dropbox is running. Then it will ask you to sign in in order to synchronize files. Everytime you want to sync this account’s files, just run this app.

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