Create database and users using PostgreSQL

Sep 19, 2017 PostgreSQL

Since 2016, PostgreSQL becomes popular, and more and more developers consider it as their first choice database. Not only it’s quite easy to use, but provides many useful programs and commands for users. Thus, this post is about how to utilize those programs and commands to easily create databases and users on PostgreSQL.

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Resolve fish: Unknown command 'export' when executing docker-machine env

Aug 23, 2017 Docker

I like to use Fish shell and Docker while developing, and I believe there are some people also like the combination. But you might encounter some problems caused by Fish’s design. Like this one fish: Unknown command ‘export’ when running eval (docker-machine env your-machine). Thus, this post is about how to resolve it.

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Build Pandoc and run it on AWS Lambda

Aug 4, 2017 AWS

Document conversion is kind of a feature that many web-based applications need. To make it, we can utilize Pandoc, a very useful conversion tool, with a disposable computing environment like AWS Lambda. But, Lambda doesn’t provide such tool for users by default. So, we have to build a Pandoc binary for it. In this post, I’m going to show you how to build the binary and execute it on AWS Lambda.

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Django - Using WhiteNoise with Django

Aug 3, 2017 Djnago

In this post, I’m going to show you how to use WhiteNoise to serve static resources for your Django application. But, you might think why I need another software to do that? In development envrionment (debug mode), Django provides a default mechanism to help you on serving static files. However, the Django team strongly suggests you should have different ways to serve them in production, such as using Nginx, Apache or AWS S3. Thus, WhiteNoise would be a good and simple choice if your Django application is a MVP or a low-traffic website.

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Create your own Hubot (3) - Create scripts for your Hubot

Jun 15, 2017 Hubot

In the previous post, I’ve demonstrated how to install and create a new Hubot. To make it more powerful, we have to create scripts (.coffee or .js file) for our Hubots. I will show you how to do it and integrate it with Slack in this article.

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Django - Customized error 404 view for your applications

May 6, 2017 Djnago

In the first post, I already showed you how to configure logging settings. Let’s continue to explore other features provided by Django. In this article, I’m going to show you how to customize error 404 view for your applications.

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Django - Configure logging settings

Apr 29, 2017 Djnago

Django is a popular web framework written in Python, and it provides an elegant mechanism for logging. But it might be a little bit complicated if you’re new to Django. Thus, this post is about how to configure logging settings for you application.

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Create your own Hubot (2) - Install and set up your first Hubot

Apr 14, 2017 Hubot

In the first post, we already got necessary packages and set up a basic environment for running Hubot. Now, let’s continue to install Hubot and create your first Hubot.

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Create your own Hubot (1) - Install Node.js and npm

Apr 4, 2017 Hubot

Hubot is a handy and useful automation tool (framewrok) introduced by Github. To increase productivity, you can integrate it with other services such as Google Map, Skype and Slack. I will use three posts to introduce you how to create and use your own Hubot with Slack. This first post is about how to set up the environment for running Hubot.

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Install pip and use it with PyPy

Mar 13, 2017 Python

Since the community and ecosystem of PyPy have become better, we might have more chances to utilize it for new projects in the future. So, this post is about how to install pip and use it with PyPy.

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